Termination of Pregnancy

by paadmin

Termination of Pregnancy

When faced with an unplanned pregnancy, many people immediately consider whether to “keep or not keep” the baby. After discovering they are pregnant, some may choose to terminate the pregnancy due to the inability to handle the responsibilities of raising a child or adjusting to new roles. Regardless of the decision, if there is a partner involved, it is recommended to consult with them and make a joint decision.


Termination of Pregnancy

Also known as abortion, medical abortion, or pregnancy termination, it involves the removal of the fetus from the uterus through surgery or medication. The medical procedure and impact vary depending on the length of pregnancy, and doctors will choose the appropriate method based on the patient’s pregnancy stage and physical condition. Currently, terminating a pregnancy is legal in Hong Kong, but it must comply with the legal conditions to proceed.

According to local law, applying for pregnancy termination requires the joint assessment and approval of two registered doctors to determine whether the patient is eligible. This includes:

Continuing the pregnancy poses a risk to the life of the mother or causes more harm to her physical or mental health than termination would.

The fetus is likely to be born with severe mental or physical disabilities that would cause serious impairments.

The pregnant woman is under 16 years old.

The pregnant woman reported to the police within the past three months, claiming to be a victim of incest, rape, forced sex, seduction, or being drugged for sexual assault.

The pregnancy must not exceed 24 weeks.

The procedure must be performed by a registered doctor at a government-approved hospital or a Family Planning Association (FPA) day center.

Gestational Limitations

Every legal institution that performs pregnancy terminations has certain restrictions on the procedure, with pregnancy duration, physical, and mental conditions being key factors in the decision.

The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong
The FPA only provides termination services to women who are 10 weeks pregnant or less, with follow-up medical and counseling services before and after the procedure. If the gestational age exceeds 10 weeks on the day of the termination, the patient will be referred to public or private hospitals. Additionally, if the patient has allergies to the necessary medication, multiple uterine fibroids, has undergone two or more cesarean sections, suffers from anemia, severe illness, chronic conditions, or long-term medication use, doctors will assess the situation and refer the patient to public or private hospitals.

Public Hospitals
Based on past experience, cases not accepted by the FPA are often referred to public or private hospitals, such as Queen Mary Hospital. Due to the long waiting times in public healthcare services, it may take up to four weeks or more to get an appointment for termination. During major medical events, such as the flu season, termination services may be temporarily suspended.

Private Hospitals

Different private hospitals have their own limits on the gestational period for pregnancy terminations, generally accepting procedures up to 20 weeks, though this depends on the specific hospital’s policies. It is advisable to call the hospital staff in advance to understand the details if choosing to undergo the procedure at a private hospital.

Regardless of where the termination takes place, minors (under 18) may need a signed consent form from their parents or guardians for any surgical/medical procedures/treatment. It is highly recommended that minors seek help from their parents or a trusted adult.

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