What is Safe Sex

by paadmin

What is Safe Sex

Sexual activities with no exchange of bodily fluids

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Safe Sex

Safe sex refers to sexual activities where there is no exchange of bodily fluids, including semen, vaginal fluids, blood, saliva, and mucous. Safe sex involves using condoms to prevent your or your partner’s blood, semen, or vaginal fluids from entering each other’s bodies, thereby reducing the risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and HIV infection. Safe sex practices include oral sex, anal sex, and vaginal intercourse.

Unsafe Sex

According to the Red Ribbon Centre, unsafe sex includes:

Having sex without using a condom (including oral sex, anal sex, and vaginal intercourse)

Direct contact with menstrual blood during sexual activity

Sharing uncleaned sex toys

Safer Sex Practices

Wet kissing

Using a condom during sex (including oral sex, anal sex, and vaginal intercourse)

Other Safe Sexual Activities


Body touching


Mutual masturbation

Licking and kissing the skin


Exhibitionism and voyeurism


Dry kissing

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