by paadmin Sexual Violence Home / Sexual Violence Educational Resources F&Q He/She/they's story What is Sexual Violence? Verbal Sexual Violence Image-Based Sexual Violence Current Laws in Hong Kong How to Handle Sexual Violence Consensus 01 Sexual violence only involves the use of violence or coercion during sexual acts. In reality, sexual violence can occur in many different situations, including but not limited to non-consensual sexual acts, sexual harassment, and being forced to watch pornography. 02 Only women can be victims of sexual violence. Sexual violence is not limited to women; men and transgender individuals can also be victims. 03 Sexual violence only happens between strangers. Sexual violence can occur between people who know each other, including intimate partners, family members, classmates, and colleagues. Studies in Hong Kong have shown that over 60% of perpetrators in sexual violence cases are known to the victim. 04 The victim’s clothing or behavior may cause sexual violence. Regardless of how the victim is dressed or behaves, the responsibility for sexual violence lies solely with the perpetrator, and the victim is never at fault. An international exhibit titled “What Were You Wearing” showcased the clothing worn by sexual violence survivors, revealing that most were just ordinary clothes. 05 Sexual violence only causes physical harm and has little psychological impact. Sexual violence can have profound effects on both the victim's body and mind, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety. It can also make it difficult for survivors to trust others, affecting their personal and intimate relationships. 06 Image-based sexual violence only happens online. Image-based sexual violence can occur in real life, such as through malicious filming, voyeurism, or surveillance to capture private images of others and spread them. 07 Uploading private images is just out of curiosity or as a joke and won’t cause real harm to the victim. Uploading someone’s private images can cause severe harm, including doxxing, psychological trauma, social anxiety, and loss of job or academic opportunities. In Hong Kong, uploading someone’s private images without their consent is a criminal offense and can lead to imprisonment. 08 A victim’s private images won’t be spread. Once someone’s private images are obtained, they could potentially be distributed on the internet or social media, and even the police may not be able to completely remove them, causing serious consequences for the victim. 09 Does sexual harassment happen in schools? Yes, it does. For instance, verbal or behavioral sexual insinuations or unwanted physical contact in schools can occur between classmates or between teachers and students, and it can happen between any gender. 10 A friend experienced sexual violence but doesn’t want to report it. What can I do? You can listen to their story and believe what they say. Offer emotional support and comfort. You can also provide relevant resources, such as medical services, mental health services, sexual violence crisis hotlines, and survivor support organizations. Most importantly, respect their choices and do not force the victim to take any action they are not ready for. Sending Private Photos to a Partner - Am I to Be Blamed? Under Construction