by paadmin A Few Things About Your Body Home / Body Educational Resources F&Q He/She/they's story Puberty Taking Care of Your Private Parts Menstruation Masturbation 01 Is it normal to have vaginal discharge every day? It's normal for women to have a small amount of vaginal discharge, or cervical mucus, daily. This discharge is usually clear, white, or pale yellow. It can also vary according to a woman's body and menstrual cycle, sometimes increasing before the period. Vaginal discharge is a natural secretion that helps keep the vagina clean, removing fungi and bacteria. 02 What is a wet dream? A wet dream is when the penis becomes erect and ejaculates during sleep, which may or may not be related to a sexual dream. Once a person starts producing sperm, they might experience wet dreams. It’s a way for the body to release built-up sperm. However, not everyone has wet dreams, and it varies from person to person. If this happens, you can clean up with tissue or a damp towel and wash your underwear and pajamas to take care of yourself. 03 Why do girls sometimes feel pain when urinating? It could be due to inflammation of the urethra, causing pain during urination. Most cases of urethritis may be due to drinking less water or incorrect cleaning methods after urinating. If the pain is too intense and disrupts daily life, it’s important to see a doctor for treatment. 04 Itchy genitals and blood in discharge—could this be a vaginal infection? If you see blood in your vaginal discharge, it might be ovulation bleeding, which usually involves a small amount of blood and lasts less than 7 days. This often requires no treatment. However, if there's intense itching around the vulva before or after your period, making it difficult to sit or function normally, or if your discharge looks like cottage cheese or turns yellow-green, it could be a vaginal infection, and you should see a doctor. 05 How big is a normal penis? Many people think they can estimate penis size by looking at someone's height, weight, or nose size. In 2001, Italian scientists conducted a study that found most men’s penises are around 9-13 cm in length, which is a bit smaller than the imagined 15-20 cm that many men believe. This might be influenced by peer pressure and societal views on masculinity, where "a bigger penis makes a real man." In reality, as long as both partners are satisfied during sex, size doesn’t matter—what’s important is compatibility. 06 My penis curves to one side—is that normal? Penises come in many different shapes. Some may be thicker in certain areas and thinner in others. During an erection, the penis can curve upwards, downwards, left, or right, and this is completely normal. 07 Will frequent masturbation affect fertility? Medically speaking, masturbation doesn’t negatively affect health, and there’s no set standard for how often it should be done. However, it’s important to note whether masturbation is impacting your daily life. For instance, some people use masturbation to cope with stress or emotional needs. If this is the case, it might be helpful to seek support from a trusted person or a professional, like a counselor. Why Are Girls’ Appearances and Bodies Constantly Watched and Judged? Under Construction